Eneco, GOTO Amsterdam and trying something new

Wesley Coetzee & Sebastian Du Rand, Senior software engineers
As the title might suggest, Eneco had something to do with GOTO Amsterdam, and we did something new. But what exactly did we do? First of all, we’re writing this blog post without relying on ChatGPT/AI, we often hear; “write a few lines and let ChatGPT do the rest”, but that takes away the creativity and excitement of coming up with the content yourself and writing an epic story! Lets start with an introduction, who are we:

Sebastian Du Rand

Sebastian is a seasoned Senior Software Engineer at Eneco, bringing over a decade of tech expertise to the table. His journey spans from the vibrant landscapes of South Africa to the forefront of transformative energy solutions. In his role at Eneco, Sebastian is not just a coder; he's a catalyst for change. With a background as a Full Stack Developer, he has been an integral part of pivotal projects like the Virtual Power Plant, contributing to backend development and ensuring system scalability. Outside of the tech realm, Sebastian is an avid athlete, finding solace in the rhythm of swimming, biking, and running. Balancing the fast-paced world of software engineering with the tranquility of nature, he delights in the simple moments that make life truly extraordinary.

Wesley Coetzee

Wesley brings over a decade of solid software engineering experience to the table. With a passion for both frontend and backend development, Wesley is a true all-rounder in the development world. He is currently a crucial figure at Eneco, a major player in Dutch energy, where he's deeply involved in designing and developing a Virtual Power Plant. This significant project aims to advance Eneco's sustainability objectives with Wesley's tech expertise and inventive thinking. Outside of work, Wesley has a real knack for research and loves getting hands-on with new ideas. Lately, he's been diving deep into blockchain tech, exploring its potential to shape the future.

GOTO Amsterdam

On June 11th, we had the amazing opportunity to have a  Eneco booth at GOTO Amsterdam. For those who don't know GOTO Amsterdam, it's a prominent software development conference that takes place in Amsterdam. The conference focuses on software development, programming languages, agile methodologies,
We presented the Virtual Power Plant (VPP), an innovative solution for energy management at Eneco, and how we are using technology and cloud computing to balance the electricity grid. We also discussed how we are building new propositions to bring better value to all our customers at all levels, from Business to Client (B2C), where we are creating smart schedules for electric vehicles and home energy management, to Business to Business (B2B), where we aim to utilize all assets like solar panels and batteries to participate in energy management, bringing better savings with any excess supply they might have.

Our time to shine

On the day of the presentation, there were a lot of nerves. This was going to be the first time we had both presented at a technology conference, to a crowd we didn’t know at all (or even know if there would be people interested in what we were talking about), but luckily we were in this together. Doing the presentation with not just a colleague, but a good friend, really eased our nerves, and having our other colleagues in the audience cheering for us was also a great feeling. Those 50 minutes we were on stage for flew by, and at the end we were so happy that we did it.
Eneco was also a Gold partner for the GOTO Amsterdam event, which meant we had a really nice booth setup as well. The booth was a great way to interact with developers, architects another tech people at the event, we had an indoor cycle challenge that people could try their luck at and win prizes for coming top of the times. The bike was a major hit, we had people lining up to have a go and try and win a prize.

Challenge yourself to grow

Overall, the entire event was a huge success. We had so much fun over those few days, we learnt a lot about ourselves and also it was great to step outside of our comfort zone! It's awesome to work at a company that gives you the opportunity to push yourself to be better and really takes you out of your comfort zone. Massive shout out to GOTO Amsterdam for hosting such an amazing event and for having us, and to Ella Beijer and Rick Molenaar at Eneco for putting all of this together. Without you, This event would not have been the success that it was. And to anyone else thinking of doing something outside of your comfort zone, don’t be scared and just do it! You’ll surprise yourself and you’ll have a lot of fun doing it!

Join our team

Curious about working at Eneco or have questions about our VPP project? Feel free to send us a message! 

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